Mecmar S.p.A.

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Via Copparo, 29 37046 - Minerbe (VR) +39044299229 +39044299531

7 fan convectors fancoil – RIELLO Helioterm IN 24

- SOLD -

We sell 7 built-in tangential fan coil in the wall
Model: Helioterm INvisible / IN 24 RED

Invisible is part of the Helioterm family and has the same technical characteristics as the INF fan. The unit is characterized by
A depth of 14.2 cm. The white aesthetic front panel (NOT SUPPLIED) with a suction grill in the aesthetic line Design.
The ejector air orientation is manually adjustable 160 ° downwards to ensure optimum comfort
For the heating that for the refreshing. Invisible is the ideal solution for rationalization of spaces according to criteria
Of the modern interior architecture, where it is also necessary to keep the noise level particularly low.

TECHNICAL DATA (from a kataologist):
Dimensions (H x W x D): 750mm x 1170mm x 152mm
White color
Cooling capacity 7 ° C-12 ° C [Watt]: 2630
Thermal output 50 ° C-30 ° C [Watt]: 2410
Thermal output 80 ° C-60 ° C [Watt]: 6840
Thermal yield 50 ° C [Watt]: 3190
Thermal yield 70 ° C [Watt]: 5470
Max-min irradiation sound pressure [dbA]: 44-29-0
Code no: 4012474
Wall-mounted control panel: not included.

Buyable individually or in lots.
SPECIAL PRICE (per piece): 110 € + VAT ex factory

See also other models for sale, see other ads.

Price: € 112,00 (x1)

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