Mecmar S.p.A.
Today, Mecmar is a benchmark for the production of mobile and tower dryers and grain roasters, not only in many European countries but also overseas.
Being able to count on a grain dryer makes the difference in terms of the quality of the finished product and profit. In order to have good results, however, it is essential to choose the right type of dryer, based on your production needs, investment and energy availability.
The first question would be: better to choose a mobile dryer or a tower dryer? But not only. What are the key features of each type of dryer? How do they work and what do you need to get the most out of them? What costs do you have to face and what productivity can you expect? These are just some of the questions that must be asked when preparing to make an important investment such as the purchase of a dryer.
To help you make a right and informed choice and deepen these and other keypoints, Mecmar has developed a clear and concise guide that compares mobile and tower dryers. You can get it completely free of charge, by entering the required data in the form on the side.
Because choosing the right dryer, starting from the type, is essential to increase the profits of your company and avoid large losses of resources and time
How to make the right choice, what factors to consider, how to compare two very different solutions, while having the same function
Which types of companies should orient themselves on mobile dryers and which ones on tower dryers, to understand also based on the characteristics of your reality
If your goal is to make a careful investment, which ensures an advantageous economic return, this guide can help you clarify